What is an Audio Legacy?
A platform to help you keep hold of the memories of your beloved family members
It is all too often that we hear someone say - “If they were still around, I would have loved to have asked them…..”
Those days have disappeared. By creating an Audio Legacy with your family members that mean a great deal to you, you will get to ask all of the questions that you have wanted to.
By chatting to our friendly team, you can brief our expert interviewers on the key moments in their lives and areas to cover in great detail.
You will receive a signature metal QR code with a link to your recording to keep forever and share with your friends and family.
An expert coach will be able to unlock the hidden gems within that are rarely discussed and spoken about
Sam Grayson, our founder has based the question methodology on his expertise in performance (life) coaching to unlock real value for our Audio Legacy families.
Open-ended, powerful questions will enable our interviewees lean effortlessly into their session and share everything they want to in a structured and coherent way.
We take the emotional baggage from the conversation to strip out any blockers to valuable lasting insights
By acting in true accordance with one of our key values of non-judgement, our interviewers will expertly handle the conversation with empathy and professionalism.
It removes any worries of upset or distress from any family members that want to talk about powerful experiences or memories in our ‘special’ ones life.